Hello! Welcome to digital home of The Avenues, the ‘Dream Commune’ spreading joy to millions of people around the globe. We at Avenues Associates, an organisation created to represent The Avenues in this reality, have partnered with the National Institute of Oneirology to shed light on our mysterious world that you may have had the chance to visit yourself!
As described by the NIO, a dream commune is ‘A plane of existence that one’s mind may be transported to after falling asleep, and can be shared with multiple people at the same time. They are stable, objective locations that are usually characterised by a person’s ability to fully interact with and retain clear memories of, as well as the reason for being there one of intervention.’ The Avenues is the first and only recorded instance of a Dream Commune, as we can confirm that all locations described in many DC recountings exist in our reality.
The main way you would ever be able to access The Avenues is if it notices an emotional turmoil happening between you and one or more persons, where it would then transport your minds through your unconsciousness’ into the Intervention Commune the first chance it gets. The Avenues itself acts independently of its denizens or creator when making decisions like these, theorised to be caused by the collective subconscious reasoning of all its inhabitants. Once inside, you will be approached by a mediator that will help you and the other parties resolve your issues.
There are 3 levels: The Salvation Commune, The Intervention Commune, and The Retribution Commune.
The Salvation Commune, or The Overavenue, is the layer on which The Avenues’ citizens reside, where they live, shop, work, relax, all functioning as a normal society. On rare occasions, people have been transported to this level in their sleep, none the wiser they were ever in the Dream Commune! The most common example of this is a recurring series of dreams taking place at the Sunshine Sundae Diner. These dreams don’t act out as typically expected since there is no intervention to be had, but make sure to record your dreams to find patterns in locations and people. This website will hopefully make it easier to determine if you have ever been to any part of The Avenues. It’s easy to remember that they’re always easier to remember!

(Image captured using SubConsciOS device.)The Intervention Commune, or The Underavenue, is the most commonly visited place in The Avenues by non-citizens. As previously described, this is a place where people’s spirits are sent to sort out their problems with each other with help from a mediator. The Underavenue is less habitable than it’s upper level, with confusing geometry and unconventional architecture, it can be easy to get lost, which it is why it is important to always stay with your mediator. Familiar places and recreations of events may be briefly manifested to aid in your intervention, so do not be alarmed if you come across a location that reminds you of one from your reality.

(Image captured using SubConsciOS device.)For the privacy and protection of The Avenues, its residents and its visitors, all information about The Retribution Commune will be withheld. This information is also unknown to the National Institute of Oneirology. We are sorry that we are unable to share any information with you, and we give our deepest apologies if you or someone you know has been, or may in future be, affected by The Retribution Commune.
Be sure to write down everything that happened during your experience with as much detail as you can, then tell a parent/caretaker, teacher or psychiatrist. Communal Dreaming is an important key to understanding your current mental state and can helpfully inform choices that you, a guardian or a professional can make to improve your mental health.

During your time in The Avenues, you may come across some reoccurring citizens. Learn a little bit about them below! Remember to always be respectful when meeting a member of The Avenues, they’re people too!

Ian Avenue

Tom Holtz

Lana Howell

Pen Rogers

Hamish Townsend

•Any Pronouns

Rolf Rider

Maisy Weaver

Cait O’Conbhuidhe

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